The futuristic rock comedy The Last Smoker in America officially opens off-Broadway on August 2. Featuring a book by Side Show Tony nominee Bill Russell and music by Peter Melnick, the new musical comedy stars Farah Alvin, Natalie Venetia Belcon, John Bolton and Jake Boyd. Directed and produced by Andy Sandberg the musical puffs away at the Westside Theatre.
In a world where smoking has recently been outlawed and the penalties are growing stricter by the minute, The Last Smoker in America is the story of Pam (Alvin), a woman trying desperately to quit. While her husband Ernie (Bolton) dreams of being a rock star and her son Jimmy (Boyd) listens to so much rap music he thinks he’s black, Pam finds herself being pushed to the edge of reason. Will Pam kick the habit or fight for her right to light up?
To celebrate the opening, the producers are hosting the first ever Smoke-In/Smoke-Out outside the Westside Theatre for the show’s opening night. Smokers wishing to give up the habit are encouraged to throw away their packs of cigarettes and quit cold turkey. These discarded cigarettes will be collected and delivered to the other side of the event, where nicotine enthusiasts will be invited to puff away on them, guilt-free, among like-minded smokers.
Check out the video below to see show clips from the irreverent musical The Last Smoker in America